A series of Line Rider videos commissioned by Disney, featuring Disney characters in place of the usual sledder.
Gravity Falls x Line Rider (2020)
Patreon post
Runtime: 1.5 minutes
Development Time: 30 hours of work over 6 months
Created using a custom build of Line Rider Studio
My Roles: Camera work, and some of the storyboarding, track and scenery.
David Lu (Conundrumer) - Software development and programming
Mark Robbins (DoodleChaos) - Some of the storyboarding, track, and scenery
“Out of nowhere, Disney has commissioned Rabid and 2 other Line Rider masterminds to create a brand new Gravity Falls short, and it’s a ton of fun. It’s like Mountain King in that it’s bound to have a universal appeal because of its use of adventurous storytelling, music sync and comedic timing. The moment when Grunkle Stan comes barrelling onto the screen in time with dramatic orchestral hits and directly contacts another rider will never fail to make me smile.”
- Conrad Decker, September 2020 Line Rider Roundup