Computer Game created with Game Maker, 2009-2015.
Jon Tiburzi - Most of game design, programming, graphics, and music, some sound design
Philip Gibbons - Original concept, some design, graphics, and programming
Marc Cuva - Some early design
Music Video created with animation/motion graphics for my final senior art project at St. Olaf College in spring 2014.
Music: Apparat - Not a Number
Interactive Art Installation created with various software and hardware for my final senior project for my individual major "Electronic Artistic Design" at St. Olaf College in spring 2014.
Mentor & Advisor: Todd Edwards
Self Portrait created with oil pastels for an art project for 2D media at St. Olaf College in spring 2014.
Photographer - Helen Muller
Help with Process - Dave Niccolai & Caroline Holden
Audio Piece created as a "sound collage" project for Electronic Music class at St. Olaf College in January 2013.
Poem - jl / connotativewords
Digital Mashup created in Photoshop for the final of the class Jesus in Script and Tradition at St. Olaf College in December 2012.
Audio Piece created as a project for Electronic Music class at St. Olaf College in January 2013.
Movie - Howl's Moving Castle, Studio Ghibli
Light Lab Projects for theater design classes at St. Olaf College, 2010 and 2012.
Miscellaneous Digital Media Projects, 2012-2014.
Miscellaneous Musical Compositions, 2005-2013.
Miscellaneous 2D Media pieces, 2007 & 2013.
Photographs for Photography class at St. Olaf College with Meg Ojala, Spring 2013.