A Line Rider short film about falling in love.
Runtime: 4 minutes.
Development Time: 120 hours of work over 1.5 years
Created using a custom build of Line Rider Studio
Music: Finding Your Heart by Tony Anderson (edited)
Inspirations and special thanks in the video credits.
Done with a mouse and trackpad on a MacBook Pro. Utilized various bezier tool mod and 10 point cannon generator, both developed by David Lu.
"Few Line Rider works manage to evoke emotions as effectively as does “Falling In Love”, [Bevibel] Harvey’s most vulnerable work since 2016’s “Broken,” a powerful track illustrating depression.
“Falling In Love” has a gentle and tentative beginning that calls to mind the uncertainty at the beginning of a relationship, while text having to do with trust and embracing one’s fullest self sets the stage perfectly for a piece about vulnerability. When the guitar comes in and Bosh picks up speed, it’s like a warm bath for your senses. The movements here are smooth and light, like the early stages in a relationship when everything just clicks. The piece then blossoms into a fast-paced, elaborately visual section in which Bosh bounces and tumbles past smooth undulating curves, perfectly representing tumbling head over heels in the utter elation one feels when their love is reciprocated. There’s a moment when the vocal line comes in and the curves on either side of Bosh drop away, that evokes the feeling of surrendering one’s control despite the perceived risk, and allowing oneself to be completely vulnerable with another person. The work closes with a beautiful slow zoom in as parallel lines continue to flow past. Bosh finally comes safely to rest at the end, fear and uncertainty gone, replaced by the most thematically perfect use of a second rider I have ever seen. Thanks to the way “Falling In Love” effectively elicits such pleasant and relatable emotions, it’s no doubt it will continue to have the kind of broad appeal that earned it the number two spot on the list."
- Andrew Hess, Top 10 Line Rider Tracks of 2019
"Really great job on the scenery! You nailed the wavey flow."
- DoodleChaos (Line Rider creator)
"Watching this gave me goosebumps!"
- ZNF (Line Rider creator)
"The scenery you chose for this track matches the vitality of the song perfectly and it doesn’t clash with how fluid the track is, great job!"
- QBalt (Line Rider creator)
"As always, you are so adept at capturing a feeling and building it into a gorgeous experience in Line Rider."
- OTDE (Line Rider creator)
“A lot of trackmakers don’t know how to utilize the available space. You on the other hand, fill the screen without cluttering it, 2:30 - 2:40 being a prime example. Keep up the good work, it’s a favour to other track makers”
- Anton (Line Rider creator)
"I loved the use of the scenery, especially when the wavy lines came into play."
- Matthew Buckley (Line Rider creator)
"Nothing short of amazing, great job"
- Branches (Line Rider creator)
"This grew on me. Captures that feeling very well."
- Conundrumer (Line Rider creator)
"Majestic. Simply beautiful. I love it."
- JoVi
"It was so beautiful. The climax of the music and visuals got me emotional. Thank you for that."
- Vesperon
“WOW! I don't have to say anything, the track talks for itself... Beautiful!"
- Csucskos
"Jaw-dropping, though that’s normal for your art isn’t it lol? Amazing work, simply amazing."
- Chris Loftin
"What i find most impressive is the level of control you have over the dynamic range of intensity throughout the whole piece. Personally, the super-bouncy section starting around 2:15 captured some of the experience so well for me and brought back a few memories. thank you for this beautiful work."
- Ota
"This was unexpectedly beautiful. Anything that can make me honestly introspective about such a topic as heavy as live deserves to be called art."
- Liam Vic
“I never would have thought you could tell an emotionally driven story through the line rider video game, and yet you keep doing it over and over again."
- First Last
“I cried of joy. Never thought Line Rider would make me cry but it did. That ending was so sweet!”
- Angel Gonterman