A Line Rider music video, commissioned by Formula for their debut self-titled single.
Runtime: 5 minutes
Development Time: 65 hours of work over 5 months
Created using Line Rider JavaScript
“Well that’s just devastatingly beautiful!!”
- Elizabeth Deathkit Brophy
“The geometric shapes pulsating with the beat towards the second half of the piece were phenomenal! It felt alive!”
- DoodleChaos (Line Rider creator)
“This is probably the biggest "woah" I've ever yelled aloud. I didn't expect much from the beginning, but holy... you dropped a bombshell at the end. Shockingly well done!”
- Arglin (Line Rider creator)
“I’m still surprised that something simplistic in appearance can be so moving.”
- daniel barry
“As a lover of Line Rider, a listener of post-rock, and drummer, thank you for this. Well done.”
- Avera9eJoe
“This was an incredible experience. Thank you.”
- Yuan Yuan