A Line Rider music video, commissioned by Doozy for his single “Out There Somewhere”.
Runtime: 3.5 minutes.
Development Time: 30 hours of work over 6 months
Created using Line Rider Studio
“Out There Somewhere is a fantastic track with its own minimalist palette and a crystal clear artistic direction. The song is themed around existentialism, and this is excellently represented through Line Rider, with the first half persistently repeating a few select elementary scenery pieces in time with the snare. This scenery is tastefully minimalistic in detail and Bosh has no interaction with them; they simply “keep their foot on the gas [and their] eyes on the road”, which enhances a feeling of apathy and a dreaded longing for being somewhere different. The track manages to build a collection of comprehensible and memorable motifs, such as Bosh’s only right-to-left movement in the whole track being on the lyrics “come back”, which is vital for a music video like this.
The second half of the track marries the music, themes, and visuals together in even more striking ways: when Bosh dreamily flies up towards distant planets and shooting stars, only to sink back down as they are just out of reach, all during a verse about slowly giving up on your dreams. This is followed by an unbelievably smooth transition where Bosh lets go of the sled in open air and the surrounding stars seamlessly transform into raindrops, and Bosh finds themselves, hopeless, in the middle of a vast ocean, being guided only by the tides into an empty world, like a corpse washed out to sea. Out There Somewhere may come across as glaringly simple to some, but this track is greater than the sum of its parts and I definitely recommend watching it.”
- Conrad Decker, September 2020 Line Rider Roundup, “Best Track of September 2020”